Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I know I say this every time I shoot a baby but I just don't know if they get any cuter than this little guy! I had so much fun shooting Stacey & Ryan's little boy Logan over the Easter Holiday. This little guy is not only adorable but has such a cute little personality already! Ladies watch out for this little one, he'll be breaking hearts in no time!

I'm not sure I've ever seen a sweeter pair of overalls in my life!

There is something so perfect and peaceful about a sleeping little one.

I was warned that Logan sometimes likes to imitate Pop-eye! I'm just so glad I captured that little wink, its just too cute!

What a little sweetie. I'm pretty sure he was done with me being in his face at this point but he still was able to look adorable even when he's mad!

Really?! Do I even have to say anything about this one. I'm 100% positive that you all are smiling right now. I just love this little face!

Congrats again Stacey and Ryan for making such a cute little guy! I can't wait to watch him grow up!