Sunday, July 25, 2010

Big Changes For Julie Linz Photography

We are going through some major renovations at Julie Linz Photography! The lovely and talented Brenda Langella is creating some wonderful print items for us and the first thing to be revealed is our amazing new logo. Our website is currently under construction too so pardon our mess as we work our some kinks. We will be sure to have everything up and running in the next week and are so excited to unveil our brand new look! Until then we can only give you a taste of our exciting changes by revealing our new logo. Thanks Brenda for all your hard work!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

LeAnn's Bridal Portrait Session

Our beautiful Bride-To-Be LeAnn approached me a couple months ago with an amazing idea. She wanted a Bridal Portrait Session done with her wearing her Grandmothers and Mothers wedding dresses. Once I heard this idea I jumped at the chance to take some elegant and vintage style pictures for her and the special ladies in her life! Here are just a few GORGEOUS shots of our lovely Bride-To-Be!

I love this little black and white of LeAnn and that great grin she has!

This is one of my all time favorite pictures! It is 100% natural, in fact I had just put my camera down to adjust some lights and LeAnn came up with this pose while waiting for me! Good thing her Mom was there to alert me to this great little shot or I might have missed this one!

We are so excited to get to shoot LeAnn and Jeff's wedding this weekend! We're sure it will be a beautiful day full of amazing pics and lots of smiles!